25 Common NDIS Phrases
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NDIS Language: Common NDIS Phrases you need to know

Navigating the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) can sometimes be as challenging as trying to understand a foreign language. But fear not! We’ve come up with a clever approach to tackle this complexity.

For newcomers to the NDIS realm, it may initially appear like a bewildering maze. To ease your journey, it’s crucial to grasp the standard terms, acronyms, and definitions employed by the NDIS.

This comprehensive guide is your ticket to quickly becoming fluent in NDIS speak. Get ready to master the NDIS language in no time!

25 Most Common NDIS Phrases

NDIS Language
Regular English
Access request form How do you check if you are eligible for the NDIS.
Choice and control You can make your own decisions about your life and choose when, where and what supports you receive.
Community engagement The ways you are involved in your community.
Formal supports The kinds of support you pay for.
Informal supports The kinds of supports you don’t pay for. For example, things that your family or friends might help you with.
Local Area Coordinators NDIA staff who help link you to information and support in the community and make sure it is more welcoming for people with a disability.
Mainstream services Services that provide support to a range of people (not just people with a disability).
Multidisciplinary team A team of people with different skills working together to support someone with disability.
National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) The organisation that runs the NDIS.
NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission An independent agency that aims to improve the quality and safety of NDIS supports and services.
Nominee Someone who can make decisions for a person that needs help with the NDIS, but does not have a parent or guardian to make these decisions.
Participant Someone who has an NDIS plan and receives funding.
Participant statement A summary of key things about you like your living arrangement, a list of who is important to you, the supports you need and access, your schedule for the day, and your goals and aspirations.
Plan The document that has your goals and what your funding and support is for.
Price Guide A really long list of what everything costs under the NDIS.
Prospective participant Someone who is waiting to hear whether they will be covered under the NDIS.
Provider An individual or an organisation that delivers support or a product.
Psychosocial disability When a person’s mental health issues cause disability.
Review of decisions The process you go through if there is a decision in your plan that you think is wrong.
Reasonable and necessary This is something that helps you pursue your goals and live independently. Reasonable is something that is fair. Necessary is something you have to have because of your disability.
Service agreement A document that explains what support you will receive from a provider and how much it will cost. It will also explain what you are responsible for, and what your provider is responsible for.
Short-term accommodation Respite – time you spend outside of your usual living arrangements.
Supports The things that help you do your day-to-day activities to be part of the community and reach your goals.
Support Coordinator Someone who can help you find mainstream and other disability services.
The Sector The businesses and organisations that provide services to people with disability and represent them.

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